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This legal notice regulates the use and utilisation of the website, which is owned by DELFÍN CARD, S.L.U. (hereinafter, Delfincar).
Browsing the Delfincar website confers the condition of USER of the same and implies full and unreserved acceptance of each and every one of the conditions published in this legal notice, with the warning that these conditions may be modified without prior notification by Delfincar, in which case they will be published and notified as far in advance as possible.
It is therefore advisable to read its contents carefully if you wish to access and make use of the information and services offered on this website.
The user also undertakes to make correct use of the website in accordance with the law, good faith, public order, traffic uses and this Legal Notice, and shall be liable to Delfincar or third parties for any damages that may be caused as a result of non-compliance with this obligation.
Any use other than that authorised is expressly prohibited, and Delfincar may deny or withdraw access and use at any time.


Delfincar, in compliance with Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, informs you that:

  • Its company name is: DELFÍN CARD, S.L.U..
  • Its trade name is: Delfincar.
  • Its VAT number is: B53563052.
  • Its registered office is at: Carretera de Biar km 24 - 03400 Villena - ALICANTE (SPAIN).
  • Está inscrita en el Registro Mercantil de ALICANTE  Alicante, TOMO 2431, FOLIO 99 HOJA A-54389, 22-06-01.

Delfincar, ostenta la siguiente autorización administrativa:

  • Authorisation No. 031/CAT/VFU/CV, granted by the Generalitat Valenciana for the exercise of its activity, whose supervisory body is the Conselleria de Infraestructuras Territorio y Medio Ambiente.



In order to contact us, we provide you with different means of contact which are detailed below:

  • Phone: 965814857.
  • Email:
  • Postal address: 03400.

All notifications and communications between users and Delfincar shall be considered effective, for all purposes, when they are made by any of the aforementioned means.


The website and its services are freely accessible and free of charge. However, Delfincar may condition the use of some of the services offered on its website to the prior completion of the corresponding form.
The user guarantees the authenticity and timeliness of all data provided to Delfincar and shall be solely responsible for any false or inaccurate statements made.
The user expressly undertakes to make appropriate use of the contents and services of Delfincar and not to use them for, among others:

  1. Disseminate criminal, violent, pornographic, racist, xenophobic, offensive, terrorist apology or, in general, contents contrary to the law or public order.
  2. Introduce computer viruses into the network or carry out actions likely to alter, spoil, interrupt or generate errors or damage to electronic documents, data or physical and logical systems of Delfincar or third parties; as well as hinder the access of other users to the website and its services by means of the massive consumption of computer resources through which Delfincar provides its services.Translated with (free version)
  3. Attempt to access the e-mail accounts of other users or restricted areas of the computer systems of Delfincar or third parties and, where appropriate, extract information.
  4. Infringe intellectual or industrial property rights, as well as violate the confidentiality of Delfincar's or third parties' information.
  5. Impersonate any other user.
  6. Reproducing, copying, distributing, making available or any other form of public communication, transforming or modifying the contents, unless authorised by the owner of the corresponding rights or it is legally permitted.
  7. Collect data for advertising purposes and to send advertising of any kind and communications for sales or other commercial purposes without prior request or consent.

All the contents of the website, such as texts, photographs, graphics, images, icons, technology, software, as well as its graphic design and source codes, constitute a work whose property belongs to Delfincar, and none of the exploitation rights of the same may be understood to be transferred to the user beyond what is strictly necessary for the correct use of the website.
In short, users accessing this website may view the contents and make, where appropriate, authorised private copies provided that the elements reproduced are not subsequently transferred to third parties, nor are they installed on servers connected to networks, nor are they subject to any type of exploitation.
Likewise, all trademarks, trade names or distinctive signs of any kind that appear on the website are the property of Delfincar, and it may not be construed that the use of or access to the same confers any right over the same on the user.
The distribution, modification, transfer or public communication of the contents and any other act that has not been expressly authorised by the holder of the exploitation rights are prohibited.
The establishment of a hyperlink does not imply in any case the existence of a relationship between Delfincar and the owner of the website in which it is established, nor the acceptance and approval by Delfincar of its contents or services.
Delfincar is not responsible for the use that each user makes of the materials made available on this website nor for the actions carried out on the basis of the same.
The content of this website is of a general nature and is for information purposes only, and access to all content is not fully guaranteed, nor is its completeness, correctness, validity or timeliness, nor its suitability or usefulness for a specific purpose.
Delfincar excludes, to the extent permitted by law, any liability for damages of any kind arising from:

  1. The impossibility of accessing the website or the lack of truthfulness, accuracy, completeness and/or timeliness of the content, as well as the existence of vices and defects of any kind in the content transmitted, disseminated, stored, made available, accessed through the website or the services offered.
  2. The presence of viruses or other elements in the contents that may cause alterations in computer systems, electronic documents or user data.
  3. Failure to comply with the law, good faith, public order, traffic uses and this legal notice as a consequence of incorrect use of the website. In particular, and by way of example, Delfincar is not responsible for the actions of third parties that violate intellectual and industrial property rights, business secrets, rights to honour, personal and family privacy and self-image, as well as the regulations on unfair competition and illegal advertising.

Likewise, Delfincar declines any responsibility for information found outside this website and which is not directly managed by our webmaster. The function of the links that appear on this website is exclusively to inform the user about the existence of other sources that may extend the contents offered on this website. Delfincar does not guarantee nor is it responsible for the operation or accessibility of the linked sites; nor does it suggest, invite or recommend a visit to them, nor will it be responsible for the results obtained. Delfincar is not responsible for the establishment of hyperlinks by third parties.
In the event that any user or third party considers that there are facts or circumstances that reveal the unlawful nature of the use of any content and/or the carrying out of any activity on the web pages included or accessible through the website, they must send a notification to Delfincar duly identifying themselves and specifying the alleged infringements.
The administrative information provided through the website does not replace the legal publication of laws, regulations, plans, general provisions and acts that have to be formally published in the official journals of the public administrations, which are the only instrument that attests to their authenticity and content. The information available on this website should be understood as a guide with no purpose of legal validity.


What are cookies?
A cookie is a file that is downloaded to your computer when you access certain websites. Cookies allow a website, among other things, to store and retrieve information about the browsing habits of a user or their computer and, depending on the information they contain and the way they use their computer, they can be used to recognise the user.
What does this website use cookies for and what are they?
This website uses cookies for a number of purposes, including:

  • Analysis: these are cookies that, either processed by us or by third parties, allow us to quantify the number of users and thus carry out the measurement and statistical analysis of the use made by users of the service. To do this, your browsing on our website is analysed in order to improve the user experience.
  • Session: These are temporary cookies that remain in the cookie file of your browser until you leave the website, so that none is recorded on your hard drive. The information obtained through these cookies is used to analyse traffic patterns on the website. This allows us to provide a better experience to improve the content and facilitate its use.
  • Persistent: They are stored on the hard disk and our website reads them each time you make a new visit. A persistent website has a specific expiry date. The cookie will stop working after that date. We generally use these cookies to facilitate shopping and registration services.
  • Technical: These are necessary for browsing and the operation of our website. They make it possible to control traffic and data communication, access restricted access sections, carry out the purchase process of an order, use security elements, store content in order to broadcast videos or share content through social networks...
  • Personalisation: These are those that allow you to access the service with predefined characteristics according to a series of criteria, such as language, the type of browser through which the service is accessed, the configuration from which the service is accessed, etc...
  • Advertising Cookies: These are cookies that allow the service, in the most efficient way possible, of advertising spaces.
  • Geolocation cookies: These cookies are used to anonymously know which country you are in when you request a website or service....

The details of the cookies used on this website are as follows:

CookiesNameTypePurposeMore information
1P_JAR ANID APISID CONSENT HSID NID SAPISID SID SIDCC SSID _secure-3PAPISID _secure-3PSID _secure-HSID _secure-SSIDGoogle AnalyticsThird-partyCollect information about the navigation of users through the site in order to know the origin of the visits and other similar statistical data. It does not obtain data on the names or surnames of users or the specific postal address from which they connect.Google Analytics Google Privacy Centre:
loc mus ma_id na_tc ouid ssc uid uvc xtcAddThisThird-partyThese cookies are for advertising purposes. . This information is used to measure ad performance and provide product recommendations based on statistical data.AddThis Cookie Policy:
PHPSESSID _atssc _atuvc _atuvs cfduid _ga _gat _gid _sp_id.fdc0 _sp-ses.fdc0 form_key mage-cache-sessid mage-cache-storage magedelfincardOwnThey are those that are sent to your computer from our own computers or domains and from which we provide the service you request.Cookie policy delfincard:
IDEdoubleclickThird-partyUtilizamos diferentes tipos de cookies para el funcionamiento de los productos relacionados con anuncios y de los sitios web de GooglePolitica de cookies doubleclick:
ds_user_idinstagramThird-partyWe use cookies, pixels, local storage and other similar technologies to show you content that is relevant to you, improve your experience and further protect both the Instagram platform and our users.instagram cookie policy:
facebookThird-partyCollect information about the navigation of users through the site in order to know the origin of the visits and other similar statistical data. It does not obtain data on the names or surnames of users or the specific postal address from which they connect.facebook cookie policy:
YSC CONSENT, GPS PREFYou tubeThird-partyWe use cookies to remember your preferences and deliver relevant content based on your location. de cookies You Tube:

Note: 'Own' cookies are used only by the owner of this website and 'Third-party' cookies are used by the service provider detailed in the table above.
How can I disable or delete these cookies?
You can allow, block or delete the cookies installed on your computer by configuring the browser options installed on your computer:
Other browsers
Consult the documentation of the browser you have installed.
Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on
If you wish to reject Google Analytics analytical cookies in all browsers, so that no information is sent to Google Analytics, you can download an add-on that performs this function from this link:


The present conditions shall be governed by the Spanish legislation in force.
The language used will be Spanish.

English (UK)
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